Our Story

Making a change, from the bottom up
Pēpi is here to help parents give their baby the best possible start.
We’re a Kiwi mum and Swedish dad living the busy life in London. We designed pēpi modern cloth nappies to be just what we needed as first time parents – safe for babies, comfy for their bums, and user-friendly for us grown-ups. Not to mention being tough and adaptable enough to handle everything baby throws at them. So they can last beyond number one and two.
We chose the name pēpi (‘baby’ in Te Reo Māori) – because our focus is on babies, and the incredible bonds they form in those first weeks of life, with the people who love, nurture and protect them.
And pēpi helps you love, nurture and protect the planet too. Every pēpi nappy you use and reuse means fewer disposable nappies in our environment. And more money in your pocket in the long run.
We know you want to do what’s best for baby and Mama earth. And we believe pēpi will help you make a positive difference, without compromising on convenience.
So here’s to the new mums, dads, caregivers and whanau (family) who help out. With pēpi, you’re making a change, at every change time.